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Veterans / Active Duty

Active Duty

Any member of the armed forces who was in services in time of war and is still in the service and by reason of continuous service has not as yet received a discharge is eligible for the Standard Veteran's exemption. Satisfactory evidence should be presented to the Assessor prior to October 1st.

One motor vehicle belonging to, leased to or held in trust for, any member of the United States Armed Forces is exempt, if garaged inside or outside the state.  The appropriate application (see link below) must be filed with the Assessor no later than the 31st day of December following the date on which the property tax is due in such assessment year.

Veterans Exemption

To qualify for the basic Veteran's exemption, a Veteran must file an Honorable Discharge (form DD-214) with the Town Clerk before October 1st and have served during an eligible was period (see link below).

Disabled Veterans

Need to file a letter, with the Assessor's Office, from the Veteran's Administration showing rate of disability.  This is a one-time filing, unless the rate of disability changes. Disabled Veterans should notify the Assessor once they have reached the age of 65.

Additional Veterans Exemption

To apply for this exemption (see link below), you must meet certain income limits.  The filing period is February 1st through October 1st of any given year, for the exemption on the October 1st Grand List.  Proof of all income for the preceding calendar year must be provided.  If you file an Income Tax Return, a copy MUST be provided.  If you receive Social Security benefits a copy of your SSA 1099 must be provided.  Veteran's disability Income is not considered. If you are rated 100% disabled through the Veternas Administration, Social Sercuity benefits are not considered.

If you cannot provide a copy of your SSA 1099, you can request this information from the Social Security Admistration (see link below).


Additional Veterans Exemption Application

Leased Motor Vehicle Veterans

Active Duty MV Exemption

Dates of War



Additional Links

Contact Information

Assessor's Office
10 Main St
New Milford CT 06776