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A firm pillar of good government is the strict adherence to standards of behavior by its officials, employees and volunteers. For New Milford, those standards of behavior are set forth in a comprehensive Ethics Code, Chapter 6B of the Code of Ordinances. 

As set forth in the Code, the purpose of it is, “To provide standards for the conduct of its officials and employees so as to maintain the public’s confidence in the integrity and fairness of its government.”

Compliance with the provisions of the Code is a measured step in protecting the Town from misconduct and misappropriations but such compliance also reminds that ethics isn’t about politics; ethics compliance is about a mindset of doing the right thing for the Town and our residents.  

Some violations of the Code are obvious.  Using Town-owned vehicles or equipment for personal purposes and accepting gifts in excess of $25 are clear violations. Others, however, are far more subtle.  These may include, for example, showing favoritism in the decision-making process in a financial transaction or in a commission or board motion. 

Your participation in the Ethics process is extremely important to all of us; if you have knowledge of a violation, please file a complaint and be sure to follow the complaint procedure very carefully.  It is very specific and is set forth in great detail in Section 6B-7 of the Code.  

We welcome your review of the Code and, as always, appreciate your input and suggestions for future additions or changes to it.


Town Charter Ethics Code

Ethics Signoff form