
Holiday Programs

Social Services offers the following seasonal programs to income-eligible New Milford residents under age 60.  Residence and income eligibility is verified yearly. Each year the registration forms become available in the Fall through our office, our newsletter, and this website. For further registration details please call our office.

Thanksgiving: registered households receive a food bag which includes a frozen turkey, gravy, several a variety of seasonal vegetables, cranberry sauce and pie or dessert mix.  Goods are distributed the Monday before Thanksgiving.  The donations and preparation for this program are provided by our community partners:  New Milford Women's Club and United Way of Western CT. 

The Santa Fund: this program for families with custodial children ages infant through high school(up to 18) provides a gift cards for new clothes and a special gift/toy item (not to exceed $50) requested by the parent.  In addition, Santa's helpers are usually able to include hats and gloves, books or games, and gift card for to help with a holiday meal.  

Able to be a sponsor?: please email the Santa Fund at 

Gifts for Disabled Adults: gift cards to a local store are made available to ADA defined disabled adults living without minor children.

Winter Coats: vouchers are made available October through February to present to the Thrift Mart of New Milford for each family member to choose a coat of their choice with cost.  [Household & Clothing Goods]  Look for our notices for community coat give-a-ways as the season opens up.  

These programs could not occur without the outpouring of generosity from our community! If you are interested in donating or being involved in some way, click the link below:

10 Ways You Can Help During the Holidays


Additional Links

Contact Information

2 Pickett District Road
New Milford, CT 06776

Phone: (860) 355-6079
Fax: (860) 355-6019

Office hours:  M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   (limited office hours on Fridays after 2:30pm)