
Energy Assistance Programs

Please review the programs below and contact us with any questions or for an appointment.  

If you are over the age of 60, please contact the New Milford Senior Center with questions and to apply.  


1. CT Energy Assistance Programs (CEAP): This program assists with payment towards a household's primary heating source (deliverable fuel or electric heat).  This is an income eligible program and qualifying income adjusts yearly. All residents must re-apply each year to get benefits.  Appointments for New Milford residents under the age of 60 can be made at New Milford Social Services, the intake site for local residents.  All applications must be certified by the state's CAP agency.  The CAP agency for our area is Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut (CAAWC).

Application intakes for deliverable fuel (oil, kerosene, propane, wood)  generally begin in September during an early-application period.  If you heat with a deliverable fuel, please do not wait until you are almost out of fuel, as the application process can take several weeks to process.   Applications for the current heating season will begin in our office in September after Labor Day (Please note that this is an early application period and deliveries for approved applications do not start until November).  Please call for an application packet and an appointment, 860-355-6079 x1.

Appointments for electric heat applications are typically made after January 1st of each year in order to prioritize those households heating with deliverable fuel.  However, anyone with a shut off notice should call as soon as the letter is received.  

Small rebates may be available for some renters whose heat is included in their rent.  

Heating Season regular application period usually runs from November 1st-May 31st*.  Early applications may start in September.  *Please note the application time period may be shorter for fuel heating applicants.  

2. Community Fuel Bank:  The New Milford Community Fuel Bank is an emergency fuel fund for low-moderate income residents of all ages.  The fund may provide deliverable fuel or help to prevent electricity shut-offs.  Funds are often limited.

New Milford income eligible residents under the age of 60 apply through Social Services. Over 60, can call the New Milford Senior Center.  Please call for an appointment.

3.  Operation Fuel:   Operation Fuel is an emergency fund which can provide fuel and utility assistance. Grants are available for oil, propane, kerosene, wood, pellets, electric and gas utilities, according to the program guidelines.
        Please note that this is not an entitlement program and applicants will be awarded grants on a first come, first serve basis.  Funds are often limited.





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Contact Information

2 Pickett District Road
New Milford, CT 06776
Phone:  (860) 355-6079 
Fax:      (860) 355-6019

Office hours:  M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   (limited office hours on Fridays after 2:30pm)