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New Milford Public Library Construction Project

 Several years ago the New Milford Public Library Board of Trustees realized that we needed more space to adequately serve the public’s needs and that we were no longer compliant with many state and federal laws related to fire safety and handicap access.

By an overwhelming affirmative vote, the citizens of the Town of New Milford agreed.

A Building Committee was formed, funding was provided by the citizens of the Town (5.6m), a State Grant (1m) and the Library Board of Trustees (1m), an architectural firm was retained; a Clerk of the Works and a contractor were hired. We are now in the beginning stages of our construction project.

During construction the library will continue to be open to the public for curbside book delivery only and online programming.  Outside book drops located on Whittlesey Avenue are open  Mondays from 10 AM and overnight until 9 AM Tuesday and again on Fridays from 10 AM – 3 PM.  The library phone number is 860-355-1191.  The website is

Click here to see the plans for the Library.

Here is an update on our progress:

·The Clerk of the Works (Project Manager) is on site every day, full time, overseeing the construction on behalf of the Town, working with the architects and the building contractor to ensure that the project is on schedule, on budget and built to the highest quality.

·80% of the books were moved out to make room for construction.  

·The interior of the 1970’s addition and the first floor of the Goodman House are being renovated.

·The exterior of some sections of the 1970’s addition is also being readied to accommodate a new structural design.  A new 2nd floor is being added to the top of the existing 1970’s building that will add 6,000 square feet of new space.  An additional elevator and stairway are being built to allow easy access for all.  New foundations are also being constructed that will support the added steel structure.

·The Building Committee and a subcommittee are working with our architects’ interior designers to choose colors, flooring materials, lighting, etc. In the coming weeks they will also decide on additional furnishings to compliment the many existing pieces that are in storage.

·The construction is being done in phases.  When the new addition and the Goodman house are completed, library operations will move into those areas and an interior renovation of the 1897 building will take place.


The following is a Construction Timeline which is subject to change:

· Construction started on July 1, 2020

· Phase 1 - 1977 building and renovation is scheduled for completion in 365 days.

· Phase 2 - 1897 building updating and renovation is scheduled for 183 days.

·Project completion date is December 29, 2021.

The Building and Construction Committee is extremely conscious about using your tax dollars wisely and keeping costs within our established budget.  We work hard to meet those goals.   Our Clerk of the Works keeps the Committee apprised bimonthly on our expenditures and also presents us with cost saving alternatives when needed while maintaining the quality and integrity of our original plans.