
Frequently Asked Questions:

If it is an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

Please report any substantial potholes to: or (860)-355-6040

This department routinely receives inquiries regarding signage. One requested a lot is the "Slow Children" or "Children at Play" signage. Please read page 1 and page 2 from the CT Technology Center Newsletter and the MUTCD why these signs are not recommended.

When will my gravel road be graded?
We endeavor to return to your road every 6-7 weeks; weather and project permitting. We have 26 miles of gravel roads please be patient and drive appropriately.

How close to the road can I put a fence up?
Varies by the road, call (860)355-6040 or email us and we will be glad to assist you.

How much right-of-way is on my road?
Varies by the road, call (860)355-6040 or email us and we will be glad to assist you.

Can I landscape along the road?
Any homeowner is allowed to landscape within their own property line. Any ROW along the roads should remain as clear as possible for safety purposes.

Is the recycling center open?
Click for the Recycling Center's website or please call (860)799-5068.

My house(or yard) is flooding. What can Public Works do?
If it is an emergency, please dial 9-1-1. This is a difficult topic for us to answer simply as each case is different. Three main points: Our drainage systems are not designed to handle every storm event; therefore if the amount of water exceeds the design, you will see water bypass our drainage structures. Second as a homeowner/property owner, we advise being prepared and ensuring your yard drainage is adequate. Third, water from private property onto your property is not the town's responsibility. Any homeowner can help this department and themselves by reporting plugged catch basins or drainage structures, clearing any catch basins located near their property from debris (sticks, twigs, ice and snow are common) and leaves on the surface to help the water enter the structure.

When will my road be paved?

Please reference the current Town and Department budget and our budget presentation.  If your road is not currently funded, it will not be paved until funds are appropriated and given to our department.

Call Before You Dig - CBYD

Freedom of Information

Scenic Roads:

§ 17A-10. Designated scenic roads.

[Ord. of 10-26-2003]

The following highways or portions thereof have been designated as scenic roads by ordinance and are governed by the provisions of this chapter:
(1) Barker Road from its intersection with West Meetinghouse Road to its intersection with Squires Hill Road, a distance of approximately 5,800 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(2) Buck's Rock Road from the northern end of the paved portion (CL&P/SNET pole No. 1474) to its northern termination at Merryall Road.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(3) Burnett Road from its intersection with Cherniske Road to the Kent, Connecticut town line, a distance of approximately 4,400 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(4) Cherniske Road from its intersection with Squires Hill Road and Barker Road to its intersection with Sawyer Hill Road and New Preston Hill Road, a distance of approximately 10,200 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(5) Crossmon Road between Buckingham Road and Upland Road.

[Ord. of 3-23-1998]

(6) Front of the Mountain Road from its intersection with Brown's Forge Road to its intersection with Long Mountain Road, a distance of approximately 3,940 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(7) Hine Road from its intersection with West Meetinghouse Road to the termination of the presently paved portion (CL&P/SNET pole No. 3266), a distance of approximately 6,510 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(8) Indian Trail Road from the western boundary of the property now or formerly of Arthur and Karen Hormler, identified as Lot 13 on Map No. 118 in the Tax Assessor's office in the town of New Milford and described in Volume 319, page 288, of the land records in the office of the Town Clerk of New Milford (later amended to eastern boundary), to its intersection with West Meetinghouse Road, a distance of approximately 4,400 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987; Ord. of 12-14-1987]

(9) Judd's Bridge Road from its intersection with Mine Hill Road for a distance of approximately 3,700 feet toward the Roxbury, Connecticut border.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987, Ord. of 12-14-1987]

(10) Lillis Road from its intersection with Second Hill Road opposite Reservoir Road to its other intersection with Second Hill Road to the east of the first mentioned intersection, a distance of approximately 4,699 feet.

[Ord. of 4-11-1988]

(11) Legion Road from its intersection with Lillis Road to the paved portion of Legion Road, a distance of approximately 3,115 feet.

[Ord. of 4-11-1988]

(12) Long Mountain Road from its intersection with South Kent Road to the property line between land now or formerly of Marianne Meyer and Joseph Levine and now or formerly of Storm Haven Farm, a distance of approximately 8,000 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(13) Long Mountain Road, beginning at the CL&P Power Easement crossing Long Mountain Road, on the easterly side of the road at the southerly border of Map No. 55, Lot No. 44, and on the westerly side of the road at the southerly border of Map No. 55, Lot No. 43 for a length of three miles to the northerly end of the road where it joins with that section of Long Mountain Road which previously received scenic preservation designation.

[Ord. of 8-10-1998]

(14) Mine Road from its intersection with Barker Road to its intersection with North Road, a distance of approximately 1,900 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(15) Mud Pond Road from its intersection with Long Mountain Road to the Kent, Connecticut border, a distance of approximately 6,600 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(16) North Road from its intersection with Barker Road to its intersection with Chapel Hill and Tamarack Roads, a distance of approximately 6,260 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(17) Old Mill Road from its intersection with Upland Road to its intersection with Wheaton Road, a distance of approximately 4,225 feet.

[Ord. of 12-14-1987]

(18) Old Stilson Hill Road, also known as "Old Sherman Road," from Route 37 to its intersection with Stilson Hill Road.

[Ord. of 12-14-1987]

(19) Rooster Tail Hollow Road (formerly Bennett Road) from its intersection with River Road to its intersection with Long Mountain Road, a distance of approximately 6,000 feet.

[Ord. of 9-28-1987]

(20) Stilson Hill Road from Route 37 to its intersection with Gaylord Road.

[Ord. of 12-14-1987]

(21) West Meetinghouse Road from its intersection with Barker Road to the Kent, Connecticut town line.

[Ord. of 11-27-1989]

(22) Crossman Road, that runs between Buckingham Road and Upland Road.

[Ord. of 3-23-1998]

(23) Old Stone Road, from its intersection with South Kent Road, on the easterly side of the road at the westerly boundary of the Richard A. and Anna T. Cote property, and on the westerly side of the road at the easterly border of the Stephen A. and Barbara Dull property, for a length of 0.75 mile; to that northerly point of the road where Old Stone Road meets the northeasterly corner of the Allan Lokos and Susanna Weiss property, and the northwesterly corner of the Barry and Ann Marcus property.

[Ord. of 11-30-1998]

(24) Sand Pit Road, from its intersection with Litchfield Road (a/k/a Route 202) through to its intersection with Upland Road.

[Ord. of 5-24-1999]

(25) Newton Road, from its intersection with Gaylord Road, for a length of .50 mile; to the intersection of Webatuck Road.

[Ord. of 7-24-2000]

(26) Hartwell Road, beginning at the boundary between the properties of Patterson (Tax Map 45, Lot 1) and Bailey (Tax Map 44, Lot 76) on the northerly side of the highway continuing easterly for approximately .7 mile to the New Milford/Washington Town line.

[Ord. of 6-10-2002]

(27) Candlewood Lake Road South beginning at the intersection with Carmen Hill No. 1 and Sullivan Road and south ending at the Brookfield Town line, for a length of 2.53 miles.

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Contact Information

10 Main Street
New Milford Ct, 06776

Phone: 860-355-6040
Fax: 860-355-6055

Office hours: at 6 Young's Field Road: M-F 8am -4:30pm

Director: Jack Healy,