New Milford Public Works
Our Mission
To provide top quality, professional, effective and timely services to residents, businesses and internal
customers. We accomplish this by focusing on relationships between ourselves and our customers with an
emphasis on customer service satisfaction thus improving our image and maintaining the community’s trust.
We aim to support and enhance a high quality of life for the Town’s residents, businesses and visitors by
providing well planned, cost effective and environmentally sustainable infrastructure and services that promote
public health, personal safety, safe transportation, economic growth and civic vitality.

Report an Issue or Concern
Please follow the link above to report potholes, storm damage on public property, dangerous road conditions, ect.
To report downed wires, downed trees on wires, or downed trees within 8ft of wires, contact the Police Department 860-355-3133
For power restoration information, please contact Eversource at 1-800-286-2000
Town/Private Road list
State of CT Owned and Maintained Roadways
Bridge St |
Park Ln Rd |
Bridgewater Rd (67) |
Poplar St |
Chestnut Land Rd (Route 109) |
Prospect Hill Rd (67) |
Danbury Rd |
Route 202 |
East St |
Route 67 |
Federal Rd |
Route 7 |
Kent Rd |
Sherman Rd |
Litchfield Rd |
Call the local DOT 860-354-4253 to report any issues on these roads.
Everyday we have multiple crews out in different parts of town (For reference, the Town owns 213 miles of road (186 miles of paved road and 27 miles of gravel) consisting of 370 town roads, 34 bridges over 20 feet in length, 24 bridges under 20 feet in length, and 2 over railroad tracks.
The New Milford Public Works Department consists of four different divisions
Daily Road Updates

Recycling is now operated by Three Veterans LLC
Please Find Important Links Below
Grove St Intersections w/ Fordyce Rd and Hine Hill Rd Engineering Reports -
Additional Links
Contact Information
10 Main Street
New Milford Ct, 06776
Phone: 860-355-6040
Fax: 860-355-6055
Office hours:
6 Young's Field Road
Monday - Friday 8am -4:30pm
Jack Healy
Office Manager:
Hollyanne Meserve:
Office Coordinator:
Nia Dubret: